Saturday, April 14, 2012

Our Little Piranha

I originally titled this post "Our Little Fish"(I know, how original), but then I realized that she is no longer a little fish. She's a piranha! Her two bottom teeth just came in last week. I wasn't ready for them to come this soon! Oh well, at least the drooling has slowed down a bit.

We ventured off to the pool the other day since it was so nice outside, and I didn't feel like going to the beach. This little girl loved it. She kicked and kicked and kicked. The water was a little cold, and her chin was quivering at one point(cutest thing ever), but she was still happy. We dunked her once, and she did get a tiny bit scared, but recovered quickly.

I came home and googled something like "infant swimming", and came across these videos. I realize that they seem a bit disturbing at first, but how amazing is this?! I want Eleanor to learn this. I didn't even know it was possible at this young of an age.


Brooke said...

Aw she has cute leg rolls too! I've thought about signing up D for the infant survival lessons. It's pretty cool.

Rebecca said...

okay yes those are soo creeeepy to watch. but if i lived near water as much as you do i might do it!

tothe4thfloor said...

Living in CA I had many friends who put their toddlers in this program. It totally works. And a must when living near water! It is pretty expensive though. But my friends say totally worth it.

Unknown said...

Those videos are pretty awesome. Did not think that was possible at such a young age.

Jennifer said...

Holy cow!! I was aching for that baby that kept saying "dada" while he floated there I wanted to jump through my computer and go get him.

Maybe I'll look into this for my girl, though we don't live near a pool or anything :-/ Swimming lessons or something!

Jennifer said...

PS: your little fish is SO CUTE!!!