Sunday, July 22, 2012

Eleanor Eats Grass

WARNING: Don't look at the last picture if you don't want to be grossed out. Please also know that all the beginning pictures were taken on a different day of the actual occurrence (hence the different outfit). 

It all started on a sunny Saturday afternoon. We had some friends over. The guys worked out in the backyard while the girls sat under the tree and watched their little girls play together. 

Little Eleanor spotted something. Ooh, a piece of grass!

"Wow, this looks interesting." 

"I think I'll eat it."

Meanwhile, the chit chatty mothers were busy talking to each other about who knows what. Babies, the beach, visiting home. There was so much to catch up on. And then little Eleanor starts gagging/choking. Her mother quickly rushes over to check on her, but couldn't see anything in her mouth. (I'm feeling so ridiculous telling you incident in this type of storybook format. Don't know what got in to me)

She quickly recovered, and was back to playing again. She had a little water and some yogurt bites, and all was well again.

She was a bit fussier than usual. And she was sneezing a lot. Was she tired? No, she had just woken up from a long nap. Hungry, maybe? She got a little nursing session in, when her mother looked down, and saw something in her nose. It was green. A piece of a leaf? She tried to pull it out with her finger, but it wouldn't budge. She tried and tried again, but the little green thing wasn't going anywhere. She got up to get the tweezers from the bathroom, when suddenly, little Eleanor sneezed a big sneeze. And out came....

A MASSIVE blade of grass!!! 

Ok, enough with the narration. Holy moly, this was crazy! This poor girl swallowed the grass, then somehow it got up into her sinus cavity, and out through her nose. Seeing that thing shoot out of her nose might be one of the craziest things I've ever witnessed in my 28 years of living.

Good things she was ok and it wasn't something more dangerous. I promise I'm a good mom.


Megan said...

Oh my goodness! What a funny girl. I'm glad she managed to sneeze that blade of grass out. Babies are always full of surprises.

Rebecca said...

wow!! glad you took a picture, how else could i believe this?!?

Abby said...

The things we will see as parents!! That is crazy.

Lyndel said...

impressive. I'm glad you caught this on film :)

Hope you all are doing well!

tothe4thfloor said...

hahaha Oh my gosh! I have never seen anything like that before!