Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 months

I'm already getting a little sad thinking that in just 2 short months, this girl will be a year old. How does this happen?!

This month was a fun one. She is understanding so much more.

She started signing 'more'. It looks kind of like a clap, but I know the difference between the two. I think she's close to signing 'all done' and drink.

She says "dada" all day long. When I ask her where dada is, she'll look over to Spencer's computer or at the door he walks thru when he gets home from work. So I think she's starting to understand.

She babbles more now than ever, and I love love love it.

She took her first steps! It was one of the cutest things. I stood her up, encouraged her to come to me, and she looked at me with a look of pure confidence, and soon after, she was taking the tiniest little baby steps toward me. The most steps she's taken at once is 11. She still prefers to crawl, but will walk if we encourage her.

She gives the best kisses when she's in the mood. She will kiss her baby dolls, stuffed animals, and even herself in the mirror on demand, every time. But when we ask her for it, she often times shoves our face away. Especially Spencer's. Poor guy has never been rejected more in his life.

If she sees me eating or drinking, she comes to me as quickly as she can and pulls herself up on me and expects to be fed whatever it is I am eating. She wants to be grown up so bad. I can just tell. She does pretty well with most foods.

She got a few new teeth. Total now is 2 on bottom, 3 on top.

She got sick for the first time ever this month. She felt warm to me, so I took her temp, and it was 101.3. I gave her advil, and that seemed to help, but she didn't really show any other signs of being sick. Except being SASSY. I got scared that she would be like that forever, but luckily it ended soon after her fever broke. She brought out some new fake cry and whines and just pure diva that I had never seen before. Glad that's over.

Books are still her favorite. And Spencer's computer. Not mine, not hers (my old one), but his.

No longer afraid of the waves. She loves the beach. She'll crawl straight for the ocean if we let her. And thankfully she is past the stage of eating handfuls of sand.

This is definitely becoming one of my favorite stages. It's so amazing to see her remember so much and to respond to things that we teach her.

1 comment:

Jill said...

She is getting so big and I love her orange shoes. These times coming up are some of the best. Enjoy every moment. Before you know it they'll be 4 and you'll be wondering what happened.