Tuesday, September 25, 2012

11 months

Wow. This month was full of change. I feel like she is becoming a toddler right before my very eyes. Sometimes I go to get her in the morning, and she looks older...in just one night. At times I just look at her and want to cry. I just can't believe she's mine.

She is really good at walking now. And just recently I think she finally made up her mind that she'd rather walk than crawl. I'm ok with that only because I'm tired of her clothes/pj's getting worn out in the knees.

She waves at people. One day at church I was standing with her in the hall, and a lot of people were coming in through the door. She just sat there and waved at every single person she saw. It was so cute.

She can now sign food/eat, and all done.

After a lot of effort in teaching her, she finally learned how to scoot off the couch backwards.

The dancing stage has begun, and I am loving every single second!

She loves playing with Spencer's skateboard. She'll just roll it all the way across the room while she scoots alongside it. And then she'll bang it against the door over and over and over.

If I put a gallon of blueberries in front of her, she'd probably eat every single one. They are her absolute favorite food right now.

I introduced bubbles to her this month and they were a hit!

She is getting pretty good at copying me. She can shake her head, close her eyes(my favorite), stick her tongue out, squeal, do a little fish kiss sound, etc.

She discovered toilet paper. Somebody help me.

When she gets cold, she'll hurry up to my shoulder and nuzzle her way in to get as close as possible to me. I hope she never stops doing it.

She went on her first sailboat this month(so did I). She loved it. I don't think she loved the life jacket though.

When she finds one of my hair elastics, she'll try to put it on her head. How on earth does she catch on to these things?!

She likes to undo anything that is done. She'll take out every item of clothing in a basket, or all my cards out of my wallet, etc.

She understands so much more than I realize. Makes me wonder what I'm not challenging her to do that she already knows.


Megan said...

She is so cute. I love the picture of her crawling on the beach. That scenery is just amazing!! I want to meet her.

Rebecca said...

the one of her yawning..holy moly..she looks so much like spencer right there!!!