Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Birthday Party

Remember when I was going to post pictures of Eleanor's birthday party? Like two months ago? That never happened. Things got busy. Then I left town. And now it's time for catch up. 

We decided on doing a party, but not a traditional 1st Luau that consists of inviting every single person you've ever met. We invited about 8 or 9 families and just enjoyed a night of good food and conversation. Eleanor was the sweetest little thing, walking around as if she knew what was going on. She'd go around to everyone and greet them as they came in.

Obviously she loved her cake. Cupcake, that is. I didn't want to waste a perfectly good cake(and my time to make that cake) only to be smashed and not eaten. Sure, they make cute pictures, but I had too many other things to do. So she got a little cupcake, and ate the entire thing. Well, other than the part she shared with Spencer.

I tried my very best to present the entire night, and not just behind the camera. So obviously, I didn't get as many pictures(especially of the guests) as I would have liked, but I am 100% ok with that. I was able to connect with people and really enjoy the evening with friends.

We are pretty lucky to have such great friends here who love Eleanor as if she were family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Adorable! So glad you posted these! Love the skirt around her high chair! Looks like it was a great time!!!