Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was a big success. I didn't know what to expect that morning - not knowing if she would understand that the presents were for her, or if she would show any type of emotion. She walked out, saw her chair covered in things, and let out a squeal of excitement. She went straight for the book and had the biggest smile on her face. We had to read the book a couple of times before she was interested in seeing anything else. She then put every single necklace on before giving me her new shoes to put on. She actually wore two different pairs within about 10 minutes. Once she saw that their was a dog on her new shirt, she became somewhat obsessed with it. The pillow was made by me. I decided that I would make her something every year. I realize that it probably won't be every year, but it's a good goal, right?

We ate monkey bread and opened all our presents. It was a great morning. We then had to clean up and get ready for our friends to come over for Christmas lunch/dinner. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of our company, but it was a fun day.
I can only imagine how much more fun the next Christmases will be as Eleanor gets older and we have more kids!

1 comment:

Megan said...

She is so cute. Sadie also loves shoes. It's interesting having a one year old girl because it's very different than a one year old boy. I want to see Eleanor in the dress she got for Christmas with the pink bow and animal print. Sadie has that same dress.