Tuesday, August 05, 2008

For Tamir and Spencer

Both Tamir and Spencer requested pictures. So, for Tamir, this is what the inside of his closet looked like:
Oh, and the inspection is insane. They are checking to make sure every shirt is folded to the exact inch, your pants have to be hung perfectly symmetrical on the hanger, you can not have a speck of lint or dirt on any of your clothes, no loose threads, etc. You are also tested on some knowledge you are required to memorize, and then to top it off, as you can see from the previous post, the whole time they are inspecting, you are on your bed doing push ups, or what Spencer is doing is pushing his rifle back and forth like a bench press. You are also screaming your head off every time you speak to the drill instructor. Everything has to be perfect. It is really crazy. So you can imagine why I am SO relieved that he passed.

And Spencer, here is my new hair. I already explained everything to you, so no need to talk about it. Actually, the closest it looks to real life is the last one. The other ones make it look slightly darker. I was trying to take the picture with my phone on my own(obviously), and Kristi just kept laughing at me, so she finally came over and helped out. Sorry the rest of you have to waste your time looking at these. Nothing special. We aren't sure if Spencer is allowed to get attachments on his emails.


Brooke said...

I like it, Stace! Btw, Justin still folds his underwear and shirts the same way they had him do in inspection, without a ruler of course. And his closet is just about as neat. Have fun with that.

Tam Tam said...

Isn't standing on the bed with shoes not going to keep the bed clean? I'm confused!

That sounds like a tough inspection! What a neat closet! I don't think mine has ever looked as tidy!

And Stace, love your hair! You're so hot!

The Kipper Family said...

I can't believe what he has to go through. I am glad he is doing so well, but we wouldn't expect anything different from Spencer. I love your hair!

Saint Spencer said...

my closet won't look like that when i return.

Candice said...

Cute hair :)