Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year's Eve Hawaiian Style

You might be wondering how New Year's Eve could be celebrated differently here in Hawaii. Well, it's not necessarily different, but just a little more extreme. You see, EVERYONE gets fireworks, and since it is Hawaii, and you can see everything, it looks as if the entire sky is being lit up. We went to our friend's house to celebrate with their extended family, and it was amazing what you could see just standing in their driveway. I tried to take a video, and please excuse the motion chaos. And the switch from horizontal to vertical. You'll just have to turn your head. The big ball of explosions that is on the ladder is a Chinese good luck ritual. I noticed that everyone had these tall poles in their yards and was confused them. But what they do is attach a roll of 25,000 firecrackers and everyone lights them at midnight. It's extremely loud, and you are left with a crazy mess on the road, but fun to see. Sadly, this was the last year the fireworks will be legal here. 


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