Monday, January 31, 2011

Visiting Teaching Convention

If you are not LDS,you probably won't be interested in this post. But if you are, and happen to ever be in charge of a visiting teaching convention, this post is for you. I was part of a 4 person group in charge of this event, and we searched and searched on the web for an idea to copy(none of us really had the best attitude about the whole thing and wanted to put in as little work as possible). We couldn't really find any so we eventually came up with something. The event was last night, and it turned out quite nice. 

We decided to go with an eye exam theme of "Correcting Your Vision...Visiting Teaching with an Eternal Perspective". The invites:

We started off with a pasta bar. We had people sign up to bring cooked pasta, salad, bread sticks, and dessert. The committee was responsible for the sauce. I about went crazy trying to make a chicken alfredo sauce - but it actually turned out edible. And almost enjoyable.

Then we did a questionnaire for each sister to complete. The idea was to get an idea of how well you really know the women you visit. So it had questions like - What are their names? Birthdays? Kid's names? Hobbies? Occupations? Etc. 

Next we watched this movie on our big screen. This was quite a hit.

The rest of the program consisted of some talks and personal experiences. Oh, there was a skit thrown in there, but that was not necessary. To each their own. Anyways, I thought our decorations were super cute. Not my idea or doing, but I did love them. Carrots!!

So now that we have done all the work, you can steal our ideas all you want. That's what the internet is for anyways. So feel free. And can I just shout a "Hallelujah" for this event being over!? I'll have more free time - well - maybe not til after New Beginnings. But it's a start.


kc said...

Very impressive Stace. Maybe the best Visiting Teaching conference I've seen. And that was some Oscar worthy acting in the video!

Rachel said...

i love it!!! very cute idea... you should submit it on sugardoodle... just saying.. :)

CindyV said...

Do you have the files for the invitations and the cards about eternal vision friendship? could you send them to me at Thank you. This looks great.

LC Concursos said...

Do you have the files for the invitations and the cards about eternal vision friendship? Could you send them to me at Thank you.It would be great!

Anonymous said...

Would you be able to forward the files for the invitations and cards about eternal vision friendship.Will be great for our next VT Conference my email is Thank-you so much.

Dallin John Christensen said...

I would also like to get your files for this, if you are willing to share.


Mum & Dads Great Adventure said...

I really enjoyed ready this idea. Would you be able to email me any files that you have for the handouts etc so that I might be able to use your idea for our visiting teaching convention in Feb 2018 here in Hamilton New Zealand. My email address is thanks in advance