Thursday, January 26, 2012

3 Months

Here we are at 3 months. I can't believe it. Well, sometimes I can. Sometimes I feel like it's been so much longer. I guess she has been in existence for a whole year now. She has been a part of me for 12 months.

This baby business is no joke. It is challenging. And rewarding. And tiring. And frustrating. And completely worth every single second. I must say, I'm totally digging it.

Now, for my random compilation of thoughts....

Eleanor has the biggest, most beautiful eyes. Spencer calls them Disney eyes. We still don't know what color they'll be. My guess is brown. 

When she smiles she has the two cutest dimples you've ever seen. 

Her hairline is maybe not so cute these days. But at least my hair is falling out too. We're together in that. 

She loves her mom and is slowly getting more and more comfortable with her dad. He does everything he can to make her smile. While she loves us both, I think her best friends in the world are the ceiling fan, our closet, and the window curtains. Those things can entertain her and make her smile more than anyone or anything else. 

She is most comfortable in the sling(more on that later. It deserves it's own post) and with her pacifier. She sometimes buckles down and gets the most intense look in her eyes while sucking on that thing. And sometimes she'll make it pop almost all the way out of her mouth, then suck it back in like 5 times in a row, really fast. And when she's sleeping and doesn't have it in her mouth, she will still make movements with her mouth as if she's sucking. Oh the things that entertain us! 

She tries really hard to talk to me. Especially when she's tired. And if I make the "coo" sound, she will always respond back. She'll lift her shoulders, scrunch her face, make a "coo"-ish sound back, and blow spit bubbles. I try to video these things, but once she sees the camera or phone, she'll just stare at it and stop responding to me.

She has a raspy voice. Probably from all the crying. But to be honest, I hope it sticks. It's super cute.

She loves to stand and be on her feet. If propped up against an activity center thingymabob, she can stand on her own for a while. She might be small, but she is strong. 

She doesn't eat for long amounts of time. Usually about 10 minutes tops. Just one side. After that she is just not interested anymore. As long as she is gaining weight, that's all I care about. At her 2 month appointment she was 10lb 10oz, 22.2 in. long.

She sleeps really well at night, but horrible during the day. I have to make her take naps. And if she sleeps in her crib, it'll only last about 30 minutes. Maybe up to 1 hour. If I take a nap with her or she sleeps in the sling, it will last longer. 

She is always happiest when she first wakes up. I have never been a morning person, but now I look forward to them. 

When she is sad, not angry, she has the cutest, most pathetic sad face I've ever seen. I haven't gotten a good picture of it yet, but hopefully I can get one soon. Her bottom lip just sticks out so far.

Her arms are still constantly moving, but it's finally getting to a point where it's on purpose. She is starting to reach for and grab things. And if she can, put them in her mouth.

She loves her room(and that makes me SO happy!). She could sit on her changing table for a long time and look at the curtains or hanging paper lanterns. She loves her crib bumper(first time I heard her laugh was when I walked in after she woke up and she was staring at it and laughing). And she loves her mobile. It just feels good that my efforts in decorating and crafting are paying off. 

She has had to deal with thrush, an umbilical hernia, and a giant knot on her leg from her shots. What a trooper. 

Someone once saw her and said "wow, look at those eye.....brows!". She got those from her dad. 

She is so interested in the world around her. She loves going to the grocery store and looking at all the colorful items. And when we take her for walks, she'll look from side to side and get excited when she hears a car drive by. 

Her eyes are always big and wide-eyed and alert.

She's been to the beach 2 or 3 times and seems to like it.

She enjoys looking at books and watching Baby Einstein videos. 

As a lady at church put it, "her cheeks are having a hard time with the idea of gravity", and I added that her neck does NOT. She has a pretty funny double chin these days.

If you blow in her face, she will gasp every.single.time. It is hilarious. 

When putting her to sleep, she likes to be rocked and either shushed or I will hum "I am a Child of God". 

I could kiss her a thousand times a day(and you better believe I do!).

She has literally made me the happiest I have ever been.

I just love this girl. So so much. 


tothe4thfloor said...

She is so beautiful. And those eyes! I love me some big eyes of course!

kc said...

I really think Holland and Eleanor and little twins separated by 16-ish months and different parents. I used to talk about Holland's Disney eyes too! And the crying, the dimples, and the strength, and the mama lovin', and the horrible napping (not the great nighttime sleeping though)... the eyebrows! They need to get together before they're roommates at BYU!

Rebecca said...

I love how you are describing my know I understand!!! and she makes me want a like 5 years ;)