Thursday, April 26, 2012

6 Months


Here we are at half a year! 6 whole months of Eleanor. And boy was this a big month for her. I usually jot down notes of things she does so I remember to write about them, and this month when I read my notes, I thought to myself there is NO way that was only this month! Seems like many months ago. So this month did not fly by. It was full of growth. Jaw dropping growth. Slow down little girl! I need you to be a little baby just a little bit longer!

Her 2 bottom teeth came in.

She rolled from back to front (this is the one that seems SO long ago). It was a funny story. I had walked in on her while she was supposed to be laying down for a nap. I saw that she had put her pacifier in by herself, but it was upside down. Then it fell out. And the pacifier apparently was the motivator for her to make the roll from back to front. And ever since then, she's been a little roly poly. But I thought it was funny how she was just doing it in her crib, by herself. So who knows how long she's actually been able to do it.

She started scooting around everywhere. She could get anywhere she wanted. And then yesterday, the day before she turned 6 months, she started crawling. Like the real deal crawling.

We started to feed her some solids. Not much. First it was poi, a Hawaiian staple. And yes, it's purple. Then just rice cereal. We'll add more in the next few weeks. We're just taking it slow. She does like it all. She loves to grab the spoon and put it in her mouth.

She discovered that she can see us while she's in her car seat. When she first started doing this, she would look at me the entire car ride. One time she even fell asleep with her head turned all the way back. It was so sweet.

Spencer took her to Sports Authority one day and tried out the soccer balls. She started laughing at them(again), so he bought one. Then showed me outside of the store, and she was still laughing hysterically. Once we got home with the ball, she hasn't laughed at it again since. Bummer.

She learned how to pull down her crib bumper. She immediately pulls it down every time she wakes up, either happy to see me, or crying and trying to get me to pick her up. Apparently that wasn't enough for her, because this last week she started pulling herself up to where she is fully standing. I was sitting in the rocking chair, trying to get her to fall asleep on her own(her sleeping habits have taken a downward spiral...someone help me!!), and then right before my eyes, she started climbing. All the way up. And then she was so proud of herself. Now, I can rock her to sleep, and the second her head hits the crib, she wakes up and immediately crawls to the edge to start climbing. She loves it. Only problem is, she gets up, then doesn't know how to get down. And she is so terrified standing up there. She has taken a few nasty falls, but still hasn't learned her lesson. So now we put her in her pack and play for a while until she can learn how to get down on her own.

I feel like she never stops moving. She is always go go go. If you are holding her, and she wants to see something, she will find a way to see it. Whether that's spinning around, arching her back, whatever it takes. She is very determined and very strong.

She became a lion this month and growls. All the time. I'm worried her throat is hurting from it.

She will sometimes kiss me(more like make out). It is pretty cute though. She will shove her mouth to mine, and close her eyes, and talk. And eat my mouth. It's slobbery, but cute.

Oh, another thing I just happened to see her do. The other day she went from crawling to all the way sitting up on her own. Usually she is propped up with one arm, but this time it was completely up with no arm support.

She chooses anything of mine and Spencer's over her toys. I lay out tons of bright, colorful, noisy, toys for her to play with, but she still finds her way to Spencer's weights. Or the legs of my office chair. I don't get it.

She likes to sit on top of our shoulders. She giggles every time.

I let her swim around in the bath tub this week. No sponge. She seemed to like it. She accidentally put her mouth in once, but that's all it took for her to learn to keep her head above water.

I feel like she got a lot heavier this month. Last appointment she was 14lbs 5 oz, so let's hope she at least broke 15lbs this month.


Jill said...

She is so adorable! I can't wait to see her at Alison's wedding.

I'm not really sure what advice I can offer about her sleeping habits. Levi was a great sleeper, but Naomi was a little more challenging. Try different things and see what works. I used to rock Naomi for naps and bedtime but when I went to lay her down she would wake up and cry which then meant I was letting her cry herself back to sleep. Since that usually worked I started putting her down without rocking her. She cried a little longer but has learned to put herself to sleep. If you are willing to listen to her cry a little you can always try that. If it doesn't work try something else. As she gets older you may find the cry it out method works. I didn't really do it with my until they were a little older, but you never know.

I know it is frustrating so I'll definitely be praying she figures it out soon!

Jennifer said...

Great pictures. She is so beautiful! Oh man, I love your little girl! Makes me want to start all over even more :)

happy 6 months!

Anonymous said...

Now she is 6 years old
Hope everything is ok with her