Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Santa Love

I almost forgot to post my favorite Christmas pictures of the year! In my mind, Eleanor was going to love Santa. She is never afraid of strangers and is always so amused by people. I thought she would play with his beard and be genuinely interested in him. Boy, was I wrong.

She had one of her fussiest weeks in a long time due to these stubborn molars coming in. She had been taking a nap in the car on the way to our ward Christmas party. Santa was about to close shop, so I told Spencer to wake her up and bring her in so we could get a picture. I got my camera ready, and Spencer just plopped her down on Santa's lap. She freaked. She wanted nothing to do with him. While her Santa experience didn't go as I planned, I at least got some pretty amazing pictures. Sorry, Eleanor.


chelseyandmatt said...

These are some GREAT pictures! That was Colton's reaction to Santa for his first 2 years! I love her Sunday dress picture with the ball. She is BEAUTIFUL. I bet you are loving every second of being a mom!

Megan said...

I'm with Eleanor on this one. That Santa is not legit. She can tell he's a fraud.