Saturday, May 04, 2013

A Few Familiar Faces

While living out on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has it's benefits, it also has drawbacks. There are days where I am very aware how very far away I am from family and friends. Yes, we do have friends here, but sometimes I like to be reminded that there is still life outside of the island.

And that is why I LOVE visitors! I love seeing familiar faces. It is so refreshing to me. Chelsey and Tanya, both Grayson friends, came within a week of each other. Chelsey and I go way back and have far too many funny stories together. While her visit was short, it was fun. She is fun. Come back already Chels! And bring your cute kids!!

Speaking of cute kids, Tanya has the cutest kids! So fun to meet them and see them in person after seeing so many pictures of them and their fancy life in London. My favorite quote from her visit was from her daugheter Natalie. A wave had taken in her SUP board she was playing with, and she yelled "My gondola!!". So funny! It was so great to see you and catch up, Tanya! 

1 comment:

chelseyandmatt said...

It was fun and TOO short!! I seriously need to bring my kids. Colton has not stopped asking!! Maybe next January?! Thanks again!!