Saturday, September 07, 2013

Big Island Trip: Black Sand, Green Sand

A long, long, time ago (at least it feels that way...I took a little blogging break) Alison and Wayne came to Hawaii. During their time here, we hopped over to the Big Island for a few days. The Big Island is...well...big, and you spend quite a lot of time in the car driving. Our first stop we made after leaving the airport was Punalu'u Beach. Aka Black Sand Beach. It's also a turtle sanctuary, so we were able to see 4 or 5 of those guys(or girls) laying out/swimming. It wasn't a lay out and spend all day kind of beach, so we took our pictures, then went on our way to...

Papakolea Beach...AKA Green Sand Beach.

Now this was amazing. First of all, you have to drive 13 miles down a very windy road down to the southern tip of the island. Then, once you park, you have to decide if you want to hike 2 miles in the dusty terrain, or catch a ride from some locals who offer rides in their 4 wheel drive vehicles for $10/person, roundtrip. We opted for the ride, and SO glad we did! We piled in his truck, along with his two cute daughters, and made it out to this little piece of paradise. It is a beautiful little cove with green sand, turquoise water, and amazing rock cliffs. The green color in the sand comes from Olivine - a mineral derived from lava. There are only 3 other green sand beaches in the world. We spent a few hours here. Wayne and Alison swam a little, and Eleanor ran free like a wild child. Definitely glad we made this stop. Seriously, one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen.

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