Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Better Together

Sometimes I get scared that this is the best time of my life. I fear that it will only go downhill from here on out. I'm at a good place. WE are at a good place. We live in paradise, enjoy every single second with our daughter, spend our weekends at the most beautiful beaches...YEAR ROUND, have plenty of time to hang out with friends, and are happy in our marriage. I don't mean to be all "my life is perfect" blah blah blah, because that gets annoying. But really, I feel like once we have more kids our lives will get busier and more chaotic. Not that that is such a terrible thing, but right now we have such a great balance. Spencer and I also talk about how there must be something big lurking around the corner that will throw us for a loop. We're just waiting for it to happen. But until that day comes, we will continue to soak in every second of what we are living in. Right now.

I wanted to document this stage of our life. I don't ever want to forget it. Ever. So when by brother, Dean, came to visit, I asked him to put together a video of our little family. Just doing what we do, living our life here in Hawaii. I think I've watched it about a million times already. If you or someone you know is interested in something like this, contact my brother!

On this eve of Eleanor's birthday, I want to celebrate the best year of my life. Hands down.

**Please excuse our messy house. Thanks.

The Christians In Hawaii from Stacy Christian on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

Thanks for making me cry tonight! I loved this video! It is so sweet and it was great to see where you live! Can't wait to see it in person and spend more time with that beautiful baby girl. Love you both xoxoxo

Rebecca said...

this song was perfect! seeing as good old jack is from your paradise. tell dean to come make one for my family now. great memories and boy you guys kiss her a ton!!

kc said...

So cute. And I didn't even think about your messy house. It's true you guys do live a pretty perfect life. But live it up, you deserve it. Happy birthday eve, E!

Tam Tam said...

LOVE! See you soon! Life is great whenever you make it great! You're making it great!

Jill said...

Love it!