Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Pig Tails and Cameras

 Eleanor let me put her hair in pig tails one day, and I could not help myself but snap a million pictures of her. She currently doesn't let me get away with doing her hair anymore, so I'm glad I got these pictures.

The camera might be my very favorite gift that anyone has given to her. I mean, it has her name on it and everything! I didn't even have to show her how to use it. She has seen me in action plenty enough to know how a camera works. This last picture....I just die.

**Also note - she is blowing spit bubbles all day. She's actually pretty good at it, even though it's kinda gross. She still loves herself in the mirror and will kiss her reflection. Another one of the mirror shots is her squinting her eyes and trying to close them, only to realize that she couldn't see herself anymore. Her little tantrum face is pretty common. And lastly, because I feel like it's all I see in pictures anymore, my house is usually that messy(folded clothes on couch, bathing suit hanging in background, books and shoes on the floor...etc.).

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