Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Ins and Outs of Living in Hawaii (by myself)

First I'll start with the Cons:

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- My least favorite part about being here is the time difference. It is near IMPOSSIBLE to stay in touch with family and friends back home. 6 hours is a big difference. It's especially hard when I've been working full time. By the time I get home from work, it's already close to midnight in GA. I'm so sorry to all of those who have called and I have yet to get back to you!

- An obvious con is the price of plane tickets if you ever want to go somewhere. I've just learned to buy the ticket and never look back. In case you were wondering, I'm going to San Fransisco for a MONTH to have a fun reunion with my BYU roommates. I can't tell you how excited I am! Then I'm going to Georgia for another month for Christmas. My plan was to take long trips to pass the time a little bit faster until Spencer gets home.

- I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty sure a lot of the locals here don't like me. Maybe it's the white skin and blonde hair - but I have definitely gotten the stink eye more than one time. After thinking about it, I don't think I'd be happy if my small, friendly island was bombarded with tons of tourists and military folks, disturbing the culture and dynamic of the island. But it doesn't really bother me.

- The price of food and gas is outrageous! Luckily I have the commissary, but if I ever have to do a quick grocery run at the grocery store close by, I literally have to practice my controlled breathing excercises while checking out.

- I get a little sad when I read all the facebook status' about the fall weather. I love fall, especially in Georgia. I love the leaves, the crisp air, all the festivities. But then I have to remind myself that the weather they are talking about is the weather I have YEAR ROUND! So I guess really I just miss the fall leaves and festivities.

- Unlike Atlanta, Hawaii does not have a big concert scene. Spencer and I loved having all of our favorite bands always make a stop in Atlanta on tour. Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen like that over here.

- Living alone is going to be hard wherever you are living. I've definitely had some lonely days, but I've been trying to make more of an effort to get out and spend time with my newly made friends.

And now for the PROS:


- It's Hawaii. One of the most beautiful places in the entire world. You are completely surrounded by beauty every single day(especially if you live where I do). The mountains, trees, flowers, ocean, sand, islands, rainbows, sunrises/sunsets, etc. Absolutely breathtaking.

- The scenery covers about 80% of the pros. It's that good. But I also can't leave out the perfect weather every day. On my side of the island, it averages between 78-88 degrees every day. It does not get more perfect than that. And there's always a nice, cool breeze. And there a couple nights a week where I'll be home and it'll just downpour. The rain here is awesome! It comes out of nowhere, and it comes down hard. It smells so good. And then before you know it, it's over.

- The limitless opportunities for outdoor activities. Hiking, swimming, boogie boarding, surfing(still need to work on that one), kayaking, snorkeling, to name a few.

- The people(the ones who don't care that I have white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a military ID). The people I have met so far have been so wonderful. So welcoming and loving. I have so much to learn from them and their ability to love and to give. I have to share this little gift I got from an 80 year old woman I go to church with. We all got to draw a name of someone in the meeting w/ their address and phone number on it. She drew mine, and this is what I got in the mail:


She also wrote a little letter. Here is my favorite paragraph:
"I am the old lady who attends church regularly except when I am not feeling up to par or when I am out of state. Since Oct. 4th is General Conference, we have no church meetings; and on October 11th I'll be out of town; so I"ll be able to greet you and introduce myself, and we can be friends forever, Right? That will be Oct. 18th. This cross stitch hibiscus flower was made especially for you with love and aloha."

Yes, Sister Tada, we can be friends forever. How sweet.

- The bus system is actually quite good here. It covers the whole island, and they are pretty consistent as far as showing up on time. It costs the same amount of money to buy a monthly bus pass w/ unlimited rides as it does to fill up your car one time.

- Authentic Hawaiian food. If you get the right stuff, it is so delicious. I love love love the sweet bread. And the kalua pig. While we're talking about food, I'll go ahead and mention the abundance of delicious fruit here. If you know me, you know I could live off of fruit. It might not be the same that I am used to, but still, I love the papaya, mango, pineapple, dragonfruit, starfruit, bananas, etc. Oh and one more thing. They have a huge variety of canned fruit juices that are so addicting. Just ask my bro-in-law Justin. He can attest to that.


- Living alone does have a few benefits. I get to watch whatever tv shows I want, whenever I want. I only have to clean up after one person. I feel like I am more challenged to better myself when I have so much time to myself. We get to save a little bit of money with him on the boat and not having the day to day expenses.

Overall, I'm pretty happy where I am. I'm glad we are stationed here, and I can't wait for Spencer to get back so we can enjoy this place together again.


JON and EM said...

The blasted time difference is killing me!! I'm going to have to become a night owl so we can finally chat! :) And wow your pros certainly outway the cons I think. That sweet bread sounds sooo good!!

Candice said...

I hate the time difference too. There has been so many times when I want to call and tell you something really quick and I can't :( I miss you! It my just be the hormons, but I really started to tear up hearing your con list. I'm glad the pros followed because it made me happy again :)

Tam Tam said...

So when are you coming?? I wonder if I'll be around!

Rachel said...

pls bring me some yummy hawaiian food for christmas... i tell thayne all the time, he shouldve been hawaiian... :) i need to come visit!! have fun in san fran!

Rebecca said...

well you better get your but up early if you want to talk to me. Or stay up late. I am up by 6:30 every day. So call call me at 12:30 am your time. I was really sad while reading this. We should start emailing each other. How lame are we.

Stacy Christian said...

This post was not supposed to make anybody sad!!!

Things will be better as far as keeping in touch after I'm done working. Looking forward to it! Thanks for all the nice comments!

Mrs. B said...

I can't believe the sick cockroaches didn't make your cons list...that was my #1 dislike, for sure!

Noi said...

We never got to know eachother that well. You seem so sweet. I couldn't imagine anyone not liking you. Time apart from our spouse is quite the adjustment. It is really hard for someone to fully understand until they are in your shoes. I know husbands go away on business trips and such. But when a military husband is away months at a time. Or a full year. It is different. Because no matter what life goes on. You'll always have your lonely moments, but it'll make the together ones that much more wonderful.
I know you stay involved with church. I don't know how it is for Navy, but do you have a Family readiness group or an officers wives club. I've made some great military wife friends and it helps.
Have a great visit home. I hope you don't think I send too many of my opinions your way. Just thinking about you.

Justin said...

I will vouch for you about the fruit juices... they are outstanding. :) Hope we can come visit again soon.