I got a text from my friend Jen today that said "I think Lost is taping across my street!" She saw tons of huge trailers, and they shut down one of the parking lots to the church. After she talked to her security guys at her complex, they confirmed that they were filming Lost. So I went over to check it out. When we first got there, they were setting up. Jen realized she forgot her camera, so we decided to go back to the apartment (since it was so close) and get it. While we were walking, we see Matthew Fox crossing the street with a security guard. Jen pointed him out, and I yelled "Jack!!". He turned and looked, but kept walking. I took a few pictures. We sat there and laughed about it. A little bit later, he comes walking back. Right towards us. Does not even look at us, and we're the only people on the entire sidewalk. As he got closer, I said something like "I just wanted to say hi". He didn't say anything, and still hardly looked at us. His hands were full of cigarettes and I think a drink. He smelled like alcohol. As he walked right past us, I said, "can I just get one picture?" He turned and said, "no, I've got to get to work". And that was our encounter. He completely blew us off. Not a friendly bone in his body. What a punk. He seriously could have made time for one picture. It's not like there was a crowd. It was just me and Jen. Also, for all of you girls who are Jack lovers, he does smoke AND dip. I guess he loves him some nicotine. That's gross. I'm thinking it was better that I talked to him instead of Sawyer. I might have been tempted to jump on Sawyer had I been that close. Sorry Spencer.
We hung out for a while and met some of the crew. They were so nice! I met the guy in charge of the sound mixing. When I got home I looked him up just out of curiosity, and it seems as though he is quite successful.
Here is his list of shows he's done. He offered to take our picture for us when the security guard wouldn't (not the blurry one above, but one that Jen has on her camera). He invited us out to Murphy's after the filming, but we respectfully declined. We also met the guy who holds the mic up over the actors. Talked to him the longest. I think he liked us, because before they started filming, and he had all of his gear on, he came back over to us for no reason. So I decided he was showing off for us, and we took a pic with him. Unfortunately they were only filming one scene, and Jack was the only main character in it. And we couldn't hear anything that they were saying, so it doesn't help at all with trying to figure out the storyline. Anyways, I got the phone number for the production company, and I was told to ask for the casting department and talk to them to be an extra. I'm seriously considering it when I get back in January. They will be filming until April.
Oh, and can I just say that I for some reason talked myself out of bringing my lens that has some what of a zoom. I thought it'd be too big. Now I regret not bringing it. So you have to see these far away shots.
Here are some pictures for all of you fanatics to enjoy!
Nice report and photos. Too bad Matthew Fox was anything but.
Thanks for these pictures!
Thank you for these! Glad you had a nice time. Mathew Fox sounds like the world's biggest jerk though.
Thanks for the news!
But come on, you all, just because Matthew Fox (as always when he works, multiple reports of that)is completely focused on his work and has no time for anything or anyone else doesn't make him "the world's biggest jerk"!!! I for one am a huge fan of Lost & Lost actors, and would have never, ever disturbed them on set... Taking pics is great, and is enough. Cheers! Lockefan
thanks for the post- But don't think he's the biggest jerk for not talking to you. I've also heard he's hyper focused when he's on set/ in character. And as far as I'm aware a few days ago some guy's came across Josh & Terry shooting & security wouldn't even let them take pictures / nor did the two guys go over & speak with them. So I'd count myself lucky that you even got those photos
Smells like booze at work? He dips tobacco on a film set? It sounds almost too gross to be true. Fox sounds ugh.
Matthew is always friendly with funs.Maybe you told him something rude?Are you sure you are not a Jack-hater???Josh smokes and drinks at set too,so....
I love Foxy,thank you for the report anyway.
Thank you so much for the report!
As for the Matthew Fox thing, we know that he's always hyper-focused while working. I've met him once in Rome, and he was quite friendly. You can't judge people for not always being in mood just because they're celebs and are supposed to be nice to the fans all the time.
Thanks for the report. But i think you guys could cut Fox some slack, after a long day of work, i think anyone is allowed to be a bit grumpy. The guy is only human.
Nice report! Weird stuff about Fox though. I met him once at LAX and took a picture with him. He was nice, a little shy, but nice. Oh well.
If that was the first time, but no, we've heard the same about him too many times...
Who cares about him being grumpy? It's the alcohol stink and the chewing tobacco that's disgusting. I think we've all heard what a creep he is to fans, but drinking on the job and dipping are new ones. He sounds like a real pig.
thanks alot for the pictures.
as for the whole fan encounter i just don't get why celebrities are kind of like expected to respond to fan requests regardless of the time, place or situation! seriously how many non-celebrities would appreciate being inerrupted if they are like working or out and about with their families. i know there are some actors who do that and thats their choice but then there are others who don't like it. i always thought that out of respect for like actors/actresses and musicians there are certain places were the actor is expected/supposed to interact with fans like during talk show appearances, premieres, award shows etc , if he is less than cordial then, then we've got the right to complain but other than that one should just blame oneself for even asking and suck it up.
...He smelled of alcohol & was holding a "drink" - You got that close to the guy that you could tell all this.....Really?
And yes Josh also smokes - but since this is Matthew its So Disgusting..
What your saying here would really want to be true because if its not - I'd hope ABC or Fox's rep's don't see this...
Smoking is not the same as "dipping". I don't know if Europeans know what that is. That's where you stick a big clump of sticky black tobacco and gnaw on it and spit out the black juice. It's so gross I almost can't believe this report. It sounds so unprofessional.
I know he drinks a lot so that doesn't surprise me. There were pictures recently of him rolling around on a bed with a young girl obviously drunk on canned beer. It does seem like he may have a problem. That was pretty ridiculous behavior for a 45 year old, especially letting himself get filmed doing it. Sounds like he's a bit of a mess.
I don't know why ppl are bringing up Josh Holloway though. No one ever has a bad word to say about that dude.
Americans are so ridiculously hypocritical when it comes to both drinking and smoking (which they criminalise), it's unreal.
He doesn't get pay to make nice to you and stop in the middle of the street on his way to WORK, put down his cigarettes and his drink and smile for the camera for you. It's NOT in his job description and he doesn't owe you a damn thing. Get over it. He does get paid to get to work on time, be in character and do a good job. You're not important enough to stop for that so quit whining.
Re the above Quote...
Ha, sounds like Foxy's fans are as nasty as he is. I guess they deserve each other. I have a feeling it won't be long before Matt Fox is going to wish fans wanted to meet him. He's getting old and those bad habits are already starting to show up in his looks.
Matthew Fox is 43. Your math sucks. And yeah, agree that fans need to step back and realize they're interrupting someone's work, even if it seems exciting and no big deal with them. It's not cool.
Have we seen Jack drive in his flashbacks? Even if he had another more... doctorly car in his past, it doesn't mean he didn't own the Bronco before as his fun, "pimp my ride" car. He makes about 100K a year easily, if not more after he became a surgeon patients from abroad came to see like that super hot chick in season 2. Why would he own only one car?
Aw, shipper girls who spend half their pathetic lifetime looking at pictures of Fox and then pretending he's so ewwww like one of those boys who never did pull their pigtails in school because they were too fat and ugly.
Get off the internet, lardass! Have a carrot.
Oh, ok, it's no big deal if a 43 year old married man gets drunk and hops around on beds with girls. So drunk he lets himself get photographed by the kind of people who sent it out onto the internet. I don't care if he's a sloppy alcoholic bit it's weird how his fans cant' admit there's something wrong here. Every report you get of him, even when he's being interviewed, he comes off like a surly a-hole. Once Lost ends, no one is going to care what he does. He should appreciate the people who still like him now. It's going to be over soon. His film career has been a big fat zero.
Every report you get of him, even when he's being interviewed, he comes off like a surly a-hole.
Really? Even all the ones that praise him and gush over him and talk about what a nice guy he is? Honestly you Jack/Foxy haters need to get a new obsession. You are really pathetic and people who beg for autographs and interrupt people when the are trying to work are equally pathetic.
Also, the people in the scandalous photos you refer to were related to him moron so maybe you should get your facts straight before you open your mouth.
"I don't care if he's a sloppy alcoholic"
Says the chunky shipper chick who is at home on Saturday whining on the internet about some actor's personal life.
Once Lost ends, no one is going to care what he does.
Nobody cares what he does NOW. No sane people care (which doesn't include jaters and skaters. That's why you're BOTH the butt of all jokes in Lost fandom! ) and he probably likes it that way since he doesn't seem to be a publicity whore like the Kardashians of this world. The dude has an actual job and he doesn't appreciate being expected to be a circus monkey and take pictures on the street when he's on his way to work. End of story.
Maybe Matthew Fox doesn't stop for the blonde in the banner pictures but I'd hit it. You're kinda hot.
Just wanted to say thank you for the report and the pics.
The tone of the comments left in this page is ridiculous - so, yes, he was on set, but wasting 2 seconds to wave or smile to a fan and just tell them you can't stop isn't too much to expect from someone who should be used to popularity and this kind of situations. Not saying he owes anything to anyone, but from that to almost praise the fact that he completely ignored a fan - that's absurd. Blah
Nobody (celebrity or not) has to be always polite, and nobody gets paid to be polite.
But, there are celebrities who are always nice to the fans (most of the times the biggest stars)even if they don't have to.
And thanks for your report.
And what exactly entitles a fan to NOT be ignored in a situation like this? Their mere existence? The fact that they're a unique and special snowflake?
Says the fat homely fanboy taking out his frustrations on online ppl he doesn't know. No matter how much you defend your precious Foxy, he's never going to be into you, fangeek.
Also, the people in the scandalous photos you refer to were related to him moron so maybe you should get your facts straight before you open your mouth.
LOL! So his family put those pictures on the internet of him making an ass of himself? Maybe you should get your facts straight. The girl was the town skank, it was all over the comments section.
It's so funny how the fangeeks come out of the woodwork to defend this loser. His reputation is well known now. You're wasting your breath.
His rep is well known for being awesome. Holloway is cool too, but I don't get you shippers hating one way or the other.
If I was at work and had a job to do I sure as hell wouldn't drop it all to take a photo with you.
i just wanted to be the 29th comment
I've been reading accounts by others who were also watching and are tweeting about it and it's amazing how different their interpretation is. Especially the part about the bottled water Matthew is carrying around with him and drinking while he chats with crew members.
I think MF should get some slack while being on set. Maybe if he was off work and he acted the way he did, but he's trying to get into character.
I know I have bad days at work...
All this hate makes me sick.
Go Foxy!We love you!
And I am sure it was a bottle of water in his hands.
Awesome pictures! I can't wait to see what the scene is about! :D
I'm surprised Matthew Fox was so dismissive of you and your friend. You must have caught him at a bad time. Either way, he and Jack are not the same person, just as Josh Holloway and Sawyer are not the same person, so this news doesn't really affect my opinion of the character. ;)
Once Lost is over, so is Mattew Fox.
...Difference Much? Another person has an account @ twitter & according to her fox was wearing & drinking... " Blue blazer and maybe khaki slacks — hard to see from our position. He was drinking bottled water and talking to the crew" ....
This girl was So close she saw different?
Wow people! I had no idea my nice little innocent blog would cause so much commotion. You people really are obsessed, aren't you!? I'll try to clear some things up, since I didn't think so many people would care about the most insignificant details.
1. It wasn't an alcoholic drink he had in his hands.I think it was a starbucks. But he still smelled bad. I only mentioned that b/c I was going to try to shake his hand, but noticed his hands were full.
2. He was not on set when I talked to him. It was before filming began. He was walking over to the trailers.
3. He didn't smoke and dip until after filming was over and they were cleaning up.
4. Yes, he did drink a bottled water and walk around in between filming.
5. I never said anything rude to him. I could have taken a picture as he walked right by us, but I thought I would be respectful by not shoving a camera in his face, and asking permission first.
6. In Matthew's defense, after we had talked to some of the crew members, they did tell us they had been there since 8am, and they were all ready to go home. So yes, maybe he was a little tired and grumpy.
7. All you who went all personal on me - get a life.
8. Everyone - RELAX!
So why didn't you post that in your blog instead of the inflammatory crap that you did post? Because you're a typical freak, out to tarnish a man's reputation just because he didn't give you what you felt you were entitled to. Hopefully that "Christians" on the picture isn't supposed to indicate that you actually believe yourself to be one.
I'm Lost what is all this
So now the truth comes out. You could have said that in you first report. I'm sure your ship/character bias wasnt responsible for the first one, huh?
I smell a goose
WOW! That is all I can say of all these comments on your blog.
WOW...UNBELIEVABLE comments...I don't understand how anyone misunderstood your first post...but after your second post that was in such extreme detail and people are still attacking you on such a personal level...UNBELIEVABLE.
For Those Readers:
1) Stacy is one of the most respective, cordial, friendly, and pleasant people you could ever know.
2) She is a "Christian" in every sense of the word.
3) I've never known her to be "bias" about anything!!
Last but not least!
4) Get a Life...Did it every cross your mind that her comments were for family and freinds and not obsessed fans??? Go read another site that you like.
So what exactly did we misunderstand about this upstanding alleged Christian woman insinuating that the man had been drinking alcohol while working, that he didn't have a friendly bone in his body and that he was punk? Please, explain what it was she really meant. Perhaps this alleged Christian should revisit the whole "judge not, lest ye be judged" thing.
^^ Amen
I am not a Lost fan, but I still read this post, because I am a Christians fan! Plus I read all the comments and love it how obsessed people can get about someone they don't even know. So funny!
Get a life crazy anonymous people. I am sure someone's family blog isn't going to ruin his career.
But isn't it the responsibility of a true Christian to care about all people, regardless of whether we know them or not? Isn't it more Christian-like to give someone the benefit of the doubt rather than pass judgment on someone we don't even know? Are you seriously suggesting that it's okay to trash someone as long as you don't know them personally and that nobody should care?
You are trashing Stacy and you don't even know her, get off her blog and get a life. Christian or not, she was sharing with her family and friends that she was on the set of Lost. That's new and exciting for someone that is a fan. Stop ruining her fun. So what if Matthew Fox was rude, she was sharing what her experience was like. Get over it. And i agree, after Lost is gone, Matthew Fox will too. The only other big character he played was Charlie on party of five and look how many years went by for him to get another cool roll. And I love how the arguments changed so quickly from what she saw on set to if she really is a true christian. It's a family blog, not an out in the open blog for bored lost fans. how did you find this blog to start with? sitting home on a saturday night surfing the web? you have a great life.
love you stacy and spencer. these strangers are outrageous and acting like infants about what a wonderful night you had. wish i lived in hawaii so i could've been there. I think you acted very respectful by not snapping pictures in his face. You got to meet people that help make it a great show. I'm so jealous!!
opinions are like butt holes, everyones got one and they all stink.
I did some research for all of you fans. My blog is no good for you since this was a one time deal, and I didn't even let you in on any of the plot. So in an effort to re-route you from my blog to another, I think you guys would benefit from this one: http://bit.ly/4fyILH
Hope it helps!
It's hard to imagine that Stacy is really so naive about how the internet works, but just in case she is, I'll give her a brief lesson.
This is the time of year when Lost fans are hunting for spoilers so their search engines are set to catch words like Lost, Jack, Matthew Fox, etc. and when new blogs, articles, ect. appear on the net with any of those key words they are alerted to it. They don't have to spend any amount of time or their Saturday nights searching. Someone got the alert and a link to your blog was posted on one of the most popular Lost sites on the internet.
If you wanted to keep your blog strictly between you and your friends there are features that can be set that will make your blog inaccessible to anyone except those you have on your friends/family list. Otherwise, it's out there for millions to see and comment on and it is naive of you to believe that people won't.
If you don't want people to read it and react to it, then make it a little less public. You cannot expect privacy if you are not willing to take the simple steps to ensure privacy.
Poor Stacy. She sounds like a totally innocent, objective observer. She reported what she saw and experienced, plain and simple. She didn't realize that Matthew Fox has fans that are OBSESSIVE about defending him, even though it's fairly common knowledge he's not a nice or a wholesome guy. They will attack anyone who doesn't praise their idol.
Sorry for you Stacy. I'm sure these nuts will leave you alone now, so long as you don't post about matthew Fox again. Maybe next time you'll be lucky enough to spot a NICE cast member from Lost.
Any "Anonymous" authors want to see how un-Christian-like I can be? All I need is your name and address. Any takers?
I have been laughing out loud for about a minute while I read these crazy comments. Stacy, I love you sister. Thank you for opening my eyes to how hilarious this world of the internet can be. I'm still laughing while I write this.
My favorite comments are by the person who publicly passes judgment on this author for being judgmental. I assume they do not claim to be Christian themselves. . . or do they? I love the hypocrisy. It makes this such a juicy read.
Lost Fans=Loser. What happened to the polar bear???
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH my GOSH!!!!! I am laughing so hard right now!! My eyes are actually tearing because I laughed so hard at Spender's last comment. INSANITY people. Holy crap.
This was sincerely one of the best reads I've come across in a while!!!!!!
First, I really... really think Jack is so hot, I don't know him at all personally-- but thats the point of celebrity... they want you to think they're hot, even if they are odd. He's still SO HOT.... but I do prefer Sawyer!
AANYWAY--- the best comment was Spencers... just give me your name and address... haha...
Such haters! but oh so so so funny!
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