The deployment was an overall success. We were able to drop a few bombs on some enemies of the State. I was certified as a "Qualified Navy Professional". I got to see: Japan, Singapore, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai (UAE), Phucket (Thailand), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and Hong Kong. Not a bad list of countries and cities to see. Definitely glad to be home though.
The exact date I was to be home is supposed to be confidential, so only a handful of people knew the it. Thank you to all those that kept Stacy comfortable and occupied. Deployment is almost always harder for the spouse than is home than for the one that is out there kicking butt. She did great, but we are glad to be together again.
We will be in Hawaii for another year or so. I will leave for 3 weeks in July and that will be it for a while. We have friends and family coming to see us. We are excited to see them too. Although I am having a blast traveling the world and doing some pretty cool work, I will forever miss my dear family and close friends. That's what makes this job truly difficult-along with missing U2, The Killers, and Counting Crows in concert.
You know where we'll be.
that's right beaches!!
glad youre home... :)
Welcome Spencer!
I am very happy for Stacy. I can totally get the feeling. It has been nice keeping up with her on the blog and seeing how much she has gotten out of this experience.
Sounds like you have seen some amazing places.
We wish you both the best!
Glad your home and safe, and I know that you and Stacy are glad to be back together.
Welcome Back Spencer! Hope you and Stacy will have a lot of time together before all the visitors start arriving! Love y'all take care and see ya in June!
Oh I'm glad your home!!!!!!!! I know Stace is super excited too!!!!!!!! Michael possible could be doing a rotation in a few months in Hawaii so if it works out we will be coming to visit too! He can't go to Hawaii without me :)
Love you guys! Spencer, I am so very proud of the man you have become. It was always your destiny to be great. (Thought it might be by imitating Pee Wee Herman but who knew??!!) Wish I was going to be one of those vistors. Would love to see you, Stacey and the Island. Take care.
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