Friday, March 12, 2010

Surviving Our First Deployment 2009-2010 Part 3

It is now time to talk about Spencer. He deserves his own post. You might want a barf bag close by, because I'm not holding back on gushing about how great he is. You just might throw up in your mouth a little. But seriously, Christian family, you should be very proud of him. Really. And Mom and Dad, you should be proud of me for marrying way above myself.

I think the best thing Spencer could have done in my opinion was to simply stay true to himself.  I was worried that the influence of living with and being surrounded by hundreds of immature and perverted men for such a long time would get the best of him. My worries were a waste of time, because the Spencer I sent away is the same Spencer coming home to me. Hopefully...

He emailed every chance he had. He kept his pictures on facebook updated with every port stop. He bought me gifts at every stop. At least a piece of jewelry in every country. And Hong Kong he went way above and beyond. I want to take a picture of all the jewelry and document where it's all from. I thought it'd be fun to have a good collection from around the world.

When I was in California he surprised me by sending me a mix cd. A very thoughtful and meaningful compilation of songs. He video recorded all of his experiences while he was there and sent me the dvd. He kept me completely updated with his life while he was on the other side of the world. He never EVER complained and kept me laughing for 8 months.

His attitude and behavior literally kept me going through it all. Ask me in a few weeks if my feelings change, but for now, I'm very grateful for Spencer and can NOT wait for him to get home.


Jill said...

Stacy you should never have to apologize for bragging about your guy. I think we all feel that our guys are pretty amazing, and if we feel that way we should let them and everyone else know.

Oh, and I'm waiting for a post with all your jewelry. I bet it's beautiful!

kc said...

I didn't barf once, not even a little bit.

The Kipper Family said...

So, when is the big day? I would love to see pics of your jewelry.

Brooke said...

You really did marry a great man. So excited for him to come home to you.

Mrs. B said...

Let's see some pictures of the bling!

Noi said...

You aren't alone on worrying about changes in your spouse. And it is wonderful that they stay strong and true to themself. You hear horror stories about relationships in the military. People are who they are, and when the foundation is strong there isn't much that can ruin that. You both have commom goals and have been raised with very high morals. Some people lack that. If anything, Spencer could be an example to the others. I read all your other post about deployment. I understand you. I was lucky I had the kids to keep me occupied. Scott has been back for 2 months now and it has been wonderful. We talked everyday and emailed. This is something that can and will strengthen your marriage. We are coming up on 10 yrs and yes through out the years you kinda get lost in the day to day. It is times like this that make you remember why you picked each other. I don't mean to take up all your space on here. :)
I hope you both have a wonderful reunion. Sorry we missed you when we were in HI. It was a nice trip and we like your side of the island best. :)