I can't tell you how many times I've heard new parents say "I can't remember what life was like before they (their baby) came along". I've thought about this quite often. I think about what life will be like with a little one permanently in our lives. And of course it's a big change, and a great change, but I kind of don't want to forget what our lives have been like with just the two of us. It's been a fun time. We've been a couple for 8 years now! 8! That's crazy to me. Sure, we've done some traveling and a lot of fun things together, but I WOULD like to remember life before kids:
On weekends, we sleep in as long as our bodies want. That can be as early as 9am or as late as 11am. And no distractions. Except for the occasional birds chirping right outside our window or the neighbors who like to weed whack their lawn. Or, if we choose to wake up early, we go to the beach. Throw together some food in a cooler, put our swim suits on, and head out the door. We pack light. Then we relax at the beach for as long as our burnt skin can handle. We go surfing or boogie boarding. Take a nap in the sand. Not a care in the world except for making sure to turn every so often to get an even tan. Then maybe that night we decide to go to a movie. Actually, we tend to go to movie on any given night. Weekday, whenever. Look up the times and head out the door. We definitely like to go shopping. And when we shop, we are selfish shoppers. We get what we want. We treat ourselves to a new pair of shoes or a new outfit on a pretty consistent basis. Another thing we like to do is go to the bookstore and just read. Find a quiet corner and stack up on magazines and books. We could spend hours there. Just relaxing and reading and sharing with each other our new discoveries. We are pretty regular gym rats. Both of us like to get a good work out in 4+ times a week. Whether we go together or not, it seems like we spend quite a bit of time at the gym.
So as you can see, we have been pretty selfish with our time. We enjoy our time. And we have gotten pretty used to this time over the last 8 years. And soon we'll have to sacrifice a LOT of this time and share it with someone else. Like I said, I realize it's a positive change, and it will all be worth it, but I just can't help but acknowledge the fact that we've lived a pretty dang fun life the last several years with it just being the two of us. And I don't want to forget that since we won't get this alone time for...oh...about 20+ years.
Truer words were never typed. It's definitely going to be a change, but you'll get used to it. And it'll make whatever free/personal time you DO have even more special. So happy for y'all!
OK--that life sounds amazing to me right now!!! haha. Definitely enjoy it while you can! I am so excited for you though, no, you won't be able to sleep in forever or go to a movie whenever, but ALL of your joy will be spent on that baby and it is SO much fun! Although there are days when I wish it could be all about me, there are so many more that I am glad it's all about them! I love that you are documenting what your life is like now though- great idea, because I can't remember! Miss you, we will have to chat before baby comes--any names??
O and I got so distracted with reading below the pictures to mention how fabulous you look!! And SUCH a cute bathing suit!
Auntie Kerry and Uncle Boz (and Reagan) will be happy to watch the little one so you can have some alone time! All you have to do is ask! (And don't feel bad about asking!) You look adorable and I can't wait to see/meet you soon! :)
I got asked that same question when Matt was like 5 months old and I felt guilty because I could remember life before him. We also slept in and it was blissful. Now those days seem a bit more blurry but at least I have a blog that has documented our pre-Matt days. Both times in your life are sweet and different. BTW we saw your parents at the airport. They were on our flight to Utah. It was good chatting with them. I hope one day we can come out to visit you in Hawaii; however, I can't be pregnant or have weird post pregnancy body. That's just not how I envision my trip to Hawaii. We would love to come though!!
I get no credit for waking up at 630 on most Sat morns to play ball. That's okay. Plus I'm more of a 6 days a week work out guy. That won't change much as I bought enough gym equipment for my house over the last 10 years.
Kerry,I'm sure we'll trade off. But I was thinking Boz and I could go to the beach together sometimes. Something about how he rubs the sunblock on my shoulders that I love.
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