The first time I knew I was pregnant (really the 2nd time, but meaning this pregnancy), I tested pretty early. I didn't care because I had ordered about 20 of the cheap paper pregnancy tests from amazon for about $6. So I had no reason to hold back. I think I tested 10 days past ovulation. Got a faint positive. Went to the kitchen where Spencer was on his computer. Put my hand on his chest and said "I'm pregnant!". He got up, gave me a hug, and said "You can finally be happy now!". Ha. That makes me laugh. Just goes to show how big of a role infertility can play in your life. But don't worry, he was happy too.
The first time we saw her was at 6 weeks, 3 days. It was my first appointment to confirm the pregnancy. I was a mess because that was the exact day I had had my previous miscarriage. The nurse was doing my vitals and said "we should be able to hear a heartbeat today!" And I replied by saying "IF there is a heartbeat". Again, at the time I had a hard time trusting that my body was able to conceive AND keep a baby. Seeing how nervous I was, they hurried me in and got right to the ultrasound. We saw the little speck (that was actually measuring 5 wks, 6 days) and they let us hear the heartbeat. The greatest sound my ears had ever heard. I honestly didn't even know you could detect a heartbeat that early!
The first time reality hit Spencer is a funny story to me. We were walking home from dinner at a restaurant down the street. I told him that our baby was the size of a lemon (don't you love BabyCenter's weekly updates?). He stopped walking and said "Are you serious? Woah, this just got real!". I guess he had that tiny speck still in mind.
The first time we found out the gender was a fun surprise. We were in Georgia visiting our friends Jesse and Natalie. I had originally planned to go to an ultrasound center the next morning to find out - and then reveal at Spencer's family bbq. Instead, Natalie told me her sister was an ultrasound tech at the hospital and was working in the ER that night. We arranged to meet at 11:30 that night. Thanks to her sister who may or may not have sent some patients back to the waiting room to get me in :) Spencer didn't really know what was going on when looking at the screen - but I had a pretty good idea of what I was seeing. We found out it was a girl, then proceeded to see the baby moving around. There was one point where she turned her head to us then raised her hand and waved. Such an amazing experience!
The first time a stranger approached me about being pregnant was exciting for me. I was tired of being in the in between stage where I just looked fatter and was relieved to know that I was finally looking pregnant. I was at Walgreens in GA and the guy at the cash register asked if I was expecting. He was so nice and asked me all sorts of questions about how the pregnancy was going, what the gender was, etc.
The first time I felt her move....well this one is tricky. I feel like I could have felt her at times, but wasn't 100% sure. But the first time I felt it from the outside we were in Covington Ward in Sacrament Meeting. I had my arms folded across my stomach when I felt her kick a couple of times. You will see that this girl apparently likes to move the most at church.
The first time Spencer felt her move was in Sunday School in our ward here in Hawaii. I had felt some pretty strong kicks and quickly told him to give me his hand. He understood that to be that I was feeling needy or something and he put his hand on my leg. I grabbed it and put it on my stomach and he immediately felt 2 or 3 kicks. In the beginning these little milestones get me so excited@
The first time I saw her move was at a 4th of July beach party. I was sitting in a beach chair enjoying the sunshine when I felt really strong kicks. I looked down and saw my stomach moving all over the place. It kind of freaked me out but I was so amused by it.
Those are all the firsts I can think of for now. I just started my 3rd trimester - the final stretch! Getting bigger and bigger. She's kicking and moving like crazy. There are times when I wake up at night and can't get back to sleep because she is moving around too much. But I love every second of it. The Dr. did tell me that I was measuring big for how far along I am. I already knew that after I met a girl in the elevator who was 8 months pregnant and about half the size of me. But such is life. More belly pics? Here you go....
That last picture is my favorite. You are so hot. I feel sad that I'm missing out on this whole pregnancy. (I mean, I know you were pregnant when I was there...) So thanks for keeping me updated!
This is all so cute and exciting. I love this post and I'm so happy for you. You look great! Keep up the updates.
i loved this post!!! and thank you for the cute pics!!! i love that belly, that baby and that sexy mama!!
FinallY pictures!!! You look so cute and I love the post and all the pictures, I really miss y'all and this fun time with you and Spencer! Take Care and much love and lots of hugs and kisses for both of you.
You are so cute Stacy! And jogging while that pregnant. Kudos.
Loved this post! Reminds me of all the first with my pregnancies. Love all the belly pics too!
pictures make it more real!! lovee it. you look great.
I love seeing your pregnant! I loved reading and could feel your excitement. Just a few months and you can hold that baby girl in your arms. That is the best and strangest feeling. I'm so freaking excited for you!
Stace! You are so tiny and allll belly! I loved this post. The first black and white pictures were particulary gorgeous. I can't wait to see you in a few months and see that belly in person!!:)
I'm sooo excited for you. Love the post. Can't wait to see pics of her!
You look fantastic! Can't wait! Love you all!
you look gorgeous Stacy! We're excited for you and Spencer :)
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