Saturday, November 26, 2011

1 Month

Today is Eleanor's 1 month! Time most definitely flies by, but at the same time, it almost feels longer than just one month. I recently told Spencer that I have loved being a hermit crab this last month. We really haven't gone out much. Just a few grocery trips and doctors appointments. But for the most part, the last month has been full of sleep, feedings, and just cuddling on the couch. When I do go in public, I feel a little weird seeing her out in the world. It's almost like I don't want to share her quite yet. I just want to enjoy this time all to ourselves.

The picture below is the reason I have to have her in mittens. I didn't want to have to put her in them, so I've been keeping her nails cut regularly. I have no problem with that. But then she discovered her hair. And if you haven't noticed, she is always moving her arms, and especially keeping them up by her head. She started grabbing and pulling her hair, which then made her scream in pain. And she won't let go! So now she'll be wearing mittens until she's old enough not to hurt herself.

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