Monday, December 26, 2011

2 months in her Christmas dress


I kind of love that her arms look the same here as here 1 month picture. I feel like those were just taken a week ago. But with the holidays, this last month has flown by.

Life with Eleanor is getting easier and more enjoyable, just like everyone told me it would be. She is showing more and more personality every day. At times I think she will be sassy, and other times I think she will be meek and shy. The perfect mix of her parents I guess. It was so wonderful to have her in our home this Christmas. Even though she had no idea what was going on, I loved watching her look at the Christmas tree lights and to have Spencer and her play with her new toys. She definitely got the most gifts out of the 3 of us thanks to generous family and friends. More pictures to come, but for now, I am feeling the hustle and bustle of the day and need to sleep.

Merry Christmas, and Happy 2 months!

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