Sunday, December 11, 2011

Eleanor Meets Santa - or someone who looks like him


Summary of pics:
1. I got to meet baby Weston, who was born exactly 3 weeks after E. 
2. Kids perform a song in Spanish, although what it sounded like they were singing was "Costco bells".
3. Spencer was on baby duty. He and Weston's dad had a date in the mother's lounge changing diapers. But that's not Weston's dad in the pic. That's Erich.
4. Erich is so sweet with baby E! So glad he came to visit.
5. I saw this man walk in the room, and assumed he'd be the Santa Claus at the end of the night. Well, the night kept going, and he kept staying in his seat. We had to leave early because Erich was running a marathon in the morning. I asked a bunch of people if they were going to have Santa, and if this guy was him, but nobody knew - even the people in charge. So I just went and asked if he'd take a picture with my baby. He said yes, and here is the awkward hold he held her in. Well, Spencer gave her to him like that, so it's not really his fault. So here is her first encounter with a man who looks like Santa, but isn't really.
6. Right when we arrived, we saw our bishop, who was wearing a very similar shirt as E. He got really excited about it, and I took a picture.

1 comment:

Tam Tam said...

Aww she's so cute. And I love that your Bishop and her were twinsies!