Monday, March 26, 2012

5 Months


This 5th month of Eleanor's life has been quite fun. I feel like she had all sorts of surprises for us. Plus I'm pretty sure she grew a ton! She doesn't seem like such the little baby anymore(although that might be because I recently visited a friend who just had a 5lb baby).

There are times when she sings herself to sleep. Maybe it's just babbling, but it really does sound like singing sometimes.

When I go in at night to put her pacifier back in, she will grab hold of my fingers and hold them close to her face. And won't let go. And if she's in the car and someone is sitting back there, if you put your hand anywhere near her, she will grab and hold. It is pretty sweet.

She started scooting! First she started getting up on her hands and feet like a pushup position. Then she moved to being on her knees. And she will scoot backwards across the entire room. We're slowly working on going in the forward position.

She loves peek-a-boo, or being scared/startled. Makes her laugh almost every time. She also loves when we drop a pillow on top of her.

She has made it quite obvious how much she loves to be outside. The other day we took a walk to the store as a family. Just walking down the sidewalk, she started laughing for no reason. We couldn't figure out what it was. But she just loves to feel the wind in her face.

She also loved watching us kick a soccer ball back and forth. That actually got the best laughs out of her yet.

Sometimes when she is nursing, she'll get distracted by something behind her. So she'll turn her head and look at it, come back and take a few sips, turn her head right back to look again, and repeat about 10 times. It's so funny how fast she turns her head. Like she can't decide what she wants to do more. Eat or look at whatever it is she's interested in.

Her night sleeping got significantly worse this month. She was doing so good up until she turned 4 months. Before she would consistently sleep 7 hours, then wake up once or twice after that. But the last month has been terrible. She wakes up every 2 hours or so. It drove me to complete exhaustion. So the last few nights we have been doing some sleep training. Not my favorite experience (although the first night did have a funny story), but I'm hoping for a good outcome. 

Instead of baths, she now takes showers. And she loves it. Her feet start kicking like crazy when the water hits her.

I love hearing her "talk". It's my favorite. That raspy voice is the best.

She always lets me know just how good her milk is. "mmmmm" "MMMMMMM"

Spencer wanted me to add that she laid her head on his shoulder for the first time ever. It was a sweet moment.


chelseyandmatt said...

Stace, she is beautiful. I can't believe she is already 5 months! The same thing happened with Mylee on the sleeping thing. When they start moving, they wake up more!!! Good luck with the sleep training!

Jill said...

Adorable pictures! Naomi did the same thing with sleeping. The sleep training should work, just be willing to give it some time. You know she can go 7 hours without food so just push through the next few weeks. You'll figure it out and be on a great schedule in no time.

I loved Spencer's addition, but I'll add that he needs to shave.

Pink Nothings said...

amen jill!!!!!!

Megan said...

She is soo cute! I can see both of you in her. The monthly picture you take on the chevron pattern- is that a blanket or rug? I like it!

Stacy Christian said...

It's a rug. And it's actually a good price for the size. Got it at Urban Outfitters for about $70. And it's a 5x7. Comes in grey as well.