Monday, April 09, 2012

Happy Easter 2012!


Holidays are really starting to get fun with a little one in the house. I realize this is a lot of pictures - probably more than anyone cares to see, but sometimes I have a hard time choosing which ones to post, so I just post them all.

We had a nice Sunday. I let Eleanor "crawl" to her basket. I put everything on the floor to see what she would like the most. Turns out she likes the Reese's eggs. Perhaps she knows it's because it's her name? No, probably because it made a really cool crinkly sound when she grabbed it.

I got her dress several months back. It was on sale, and I thought she could wear it to Alison's wedding next month since she is using purple as one of her colors. Turns out she has another dress to wear for the wedding, so this one became her Easter dress. Her shoes were way too big for her and were falling off all day, but I have no other shoes that fit.

She's still working on sitting up on her own. The last picture shows what usually happens after trying for about 30 seconds.

We enjoyed a nice dinner with some friends from Spencer's work. It was nice to let Eleanor interact with other small kids. She seemed to like it. Church was great. Easter is great. I love holidays where you can eat good food, spend time with family and friends, and most importantly, remember our Savior. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

kc said...

Stace you look so skinny!! Happy Easter, bunnies.