Monday, December 24, 2012


Eleanor got electrocuted for Halloween this year. I had these skeleton pj's, but I thought just being a skeleton was a little on the boring side. So I thought about the cartoons when a character got electrocuted, and how their skeletons always showed, their hair got crazy, and their faces always were left a bit fried. So that's where I got the inspiration. Only problem was, nobody got it. I even dressed as lightning to help a little, but still, people would say things like "ooh, you're such a scary skeleton", and then wonder why her hair was crazy. One person said "Awww!" as in a 'that's terrible!' kind of way. I thought it was a fun idea, and I literally laughed at her every time I looked at her that night.

I included more pictures than necessary only because I liked her facial expressions in some, and others I wanted to show her hair or face.

1 comment:

Tam Tam said...

That is so creative! Love it! Sorry I missed you when you came! =( Looks fun and glad you had an enjoyable time!