Thursday, April 03, 2014

How to Survive a Triplet Pregnancy

When it comes to being pregnant with triplets, I won't claim to be an expert, but I will share what worked for me thus far. I'm 31 weeks, 1 day. I could have these babies tomorrow, or 3 weeks from now. Either way, this is what has helped me get to this point while still maintaining my sanity(although it is quickly on it's way out the door). Most of these can actually be used for any type of pregnancy(singleton, twin, etc).

1. Invest in a massive water bottle. I got this 64oz bottle from the drug store, and I have used it every single day. I wanted to know exactly how much water I was drinking to make sure I was getting enough. I have tried to drink 1.5-2 full bottles every day. I also like that this one is super easy to drink from, and it's not a problem if you're laying down in bed.

2. Tums. I haven't had heartburn/acid reflux as much this time around, but when I do, these are magic and seem to work almost instantly.

3. Fish Oil. There are so many benefits to fish oil, I don't know why doctors don't include it in their prescriptions alongside pre natal vitamins. For triplets, I feel it especially important because almost all triplets are premature, and fish oil helps with brain development, and any extra development you can get, the better! And while I'm on the subject of pills(and not to bring so much obvious attention to it), I would absolutely recommend taking Colase regularly. I take it 3 times a day, and feel like any less only causes me unnecessary discomfort.

4. Pregnancy Pillow! Get one! My mom got this for me for my birthday this year, and it has been a lifesaver. Sleeping is getting more and more uncomfortable, so being able to have a pillow that I can tuck under my belly, between my knees, and anywhere else I need it, has been such a help. I also like it for when I'm sitting in bed on my lap top, I can just wrap it around my waist and have it be my lap top table.

5. Lotion. Whatever kind you like. I tried the cocoa butter, but it made my stomach break out like a mad man. I don't know if it was too thick and clogging my pores or what, but my skin did not like it. When I was home, I used a mixture of coconut oil and olive oil, which I loved, but it took forever to absorb, and stained my clothes easily. My friend gave me a sample of this lotion, and I have loved it. It is so silky and not greasy at all. It's made with coconut oil and aloe, so it soothes my skin almost instantly during my itching attacks. I knew I wouldn't find a miracle cream to prevent stretch marks, so my main goal was just to alleviate the itchiness, and this has done the trick.

6. Protein. It is recommended for triplet pregnancies to eat a high protein diet. Since the beginning, I have tried to always have protein bars and protein powder on hand. I've tried several different kinds, and like most of them. As for protein powder, I would add it to smoothies and oatmeal.

7. Leg compressors. This is more for if you are on bed rest, but even if you aren't on strict bed rest, near the end of a triplet pregnancy, you are probably going to be off your feet a lot anyways. The ones I use here at the hospital hook up to a pump and inflate every 20 seconds or so. It actually feels pretty good; like a massage. But if you are home, it's good to have to prevent blood clots.

8. Whatever your stress free food of choice is. Mine has been Oreos. I think such an important part is to stay relaxed, both in body and mind. So when I'm craving something sweet, I'm going to go for it. With no guilt. 

Other tips that I don't have pictures for:

Get informed. Read up as much as you can. I wanted to know every possibility of what could happen with a high risk pregnancy. I wanted to know what I could do personally to better my chances at a longer gestation and higher birth weights. I read books and blogs. I read a lot of really really tragic stories, but I wanted to to know the reality of the situation. Once I read everything I thought necessary, I decided to only focus on the positive stories. I got in touch with a girl who carried her triplets until almost 38 weeks. I used her as inspiration and asked her for advice throughout. When I was admitted at 24 weeks, and all the doctors and nurses thought I was going to have these babies, they told me all the statistics and complications that could arise. I was not surprised. I already knew everything. So I just shook my head and remained calm. The other triplet mom here when through the same thing at 23 weeks, and she told me that she started crying like crazy when they started telling her everything that could go wrong. Mental preparation makes a big difference!

You have to eat a lot. Like I said above, a high calorie, high protein diet. Instead of eating because you are hungry, eat to fuel your body and your babies. Especially in the beginning, when your stomach isn't smooshed. If I had an apple for a snack, I'd make sure to add some peanut butter. I tried to incorporate protein as much as I could. I've read that gaining weight early on, and doing it in a healthy way can help power up the placentas, as well as provide a good storage for later when your stomach can't handle as much food as it needs.

Listen to your body. This has been pretty key. Know when you need to sit down. Know when you need to call your doctor. I have been trying to really pay attention to the correlation between what foods I eat and how it affects contractions. I have found that my lactose intolerance is back, and when I eat dairy, I have way more contractions the next day. Or sometimes I have to lay back and try to put myself to sleep just to relax my body if I've done too much that day(mostly when Eleanor comes to visit and is jumping all over me the whole time). Taking a few deep breaths can do wonders. Sometimes, it's the opposite. If I've been in bed too long, my body is screaming for me to move. So I'll stand up, pace my room a few times, and stretch as many joints and muscles as I can. And it feels amazing. Sometimes you just need to get a little blood flow. Don't be afraid to be in charge if you are confident you know your body better than the doctors. If I didn't stand up to them last week, they may have well wanted to take the babies out when it wasn't necessary!

My tips for being on bed rest:

- Get dressed every day. And sometimes, even do your hair and makeup. It makes you feel like a normal human being, and not a caged animal.

- If you're at the hospital, bring your own towel(the one they provided could hardly wrap around my right leg. I would have had to use at least 3 to wrap around my belly), toilet paper, pillows, entertainment, and snacks.

- Use the time to catch up with old friends or family members. Getting as much human interaction as possible will help keep your spirits high.

- Always have a list of things to do so you never get bored. Not once have I just sat in bed and twiddled my thumbs. I always have a tv show to look forward to, or a book to finish, or a blog to write, or a person to call. Don't allow yourself to have down time, unless you need a nap. In that case, sleep away, and get some rest!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Hi Stacy! I stumbled on your blog a while ago, and a huge congrats! I was an avid follower, but I see that you haven't written an update in a while! I hope all is well, and I would love to chat with you! My email is, I would love to keep you company and see how you're doing! Keep up the great work, champ!