Sunday, October 28, 2012

On her birthday....

I wanted Eleanor to have a fun day - even though she had no idea it was her birthday or what a birthday even is! I gave her blueberries and yogurt for breakfast - her favorite. Then we went to the playground, where a little boy was quite literally the most epic photo bomber of all time. He literally walked right in front of my camera and was smiling. Wouldn't go anywhere until I convinced him he was in the picture. It was quite funny. Eleanor had a great time watching all the kids and swinging. We got an acai bowl, and went for a walk. Then once Spencer got home, we picked up dinner from Zia's and headed to the beach. I dressed her up in her grass skirt and coconut bra and snapped as many pictures as I could before I lost the light. We ate dinner and enjoyed watching Eleanor play in the sand and eat her ravioli.

Later that night, I was up making her birthday cake for the next day. I was reminiscing about a year earlier, the day she was born, and what was happening at that moment. I knew it was kind of late, and wondered if it was around the time she was born. Low and behold, I look at the clock, and it was exactly 9:47pm. I told Spencer, but he wasn't amused. I love those little things in life like that.
Am I the only one?

Next post...the party.


Jill said...

Happy Birthday to Eleanor! The grass skirt and coconut bra are too much!

Rebecca said...

i agree with jill!!! i loveeeee those pictures.

Abby said...

Nope you aren't the only one! Its a Mom thing. ;) Love the pictures!